Abstract Submission

(Please evaluate your material carefully and decide whether a paper or poster is most appropriate. Papers and posters are presented in separate, non-concurrent sessions.)

(Abstracts are limited to 300 words not counting acknowledgements. They must be in English.)

(Include references only if they are cited in your abstract. Please follow the journal's format)

Check this box if you would like to be considered for partial funding.

(Please include any factors that should be included in an evaluation of this abstract. For instance, if this paper is not substantially different from a recently given paper it may be rejected. Thus, you might want to make clear how this paper differs.)

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List authors as they should appear in the program. Please use full first name. If there are multiple institutional affiliations, add them to the comments box above. Please DO NOT use all capital for author names and titles.

Author 1

Full Name


Author 2

Full Name


Author 3

Full Name