Paleoanthropology Society
2025 Meeting Denver, CO
First Announcement and Call for Papers
The annual Paleoanthropology Society meeting will be held in Denver on Tuesday and Wednesday April 22 and 23 in conjunction with the Society for American Archaeology. The conference hotel has not yet been announced. For updated hotel information please check the SAA website.
Non-concurrent oral and poster sessions will be held with oral presentations limited to 15 minutes. If you wish to have either a poster or oral presentation considered for inclusion, you must submit an abstract via the Society’s online submission system before December 1. ( Abstracts must not exceed 300 words of text (not counting address, title, acknowledgments, etc.), and those submitted by any other route will be declined. The web system will request the name, title, institutional affiliation, mailing and email address of all authors. Please consider the nature of the material you wish to present and on this basis decide whether a poster or oral presentation will be most effective. Then, click the appropriate box.
Partial travel support may be available for some individuals such as graduate students and other presenters who do not have "normal" access to travel funds. If you wish to apply for such funding, please note this on the web form.
The registration fee is $60 and annual membership in the Society is $40. Both are payable in two ways.
- Electronically via Paypal. It allows the establishment of new accounts. Please follow this link.
We very strongly request you use this option. - By check or US dollars at registration.
Recall that access to our electronic journal is free to all, paid member or not, but your membership fees defray the cost of publishing the journal, as well as travel by students and international colleagues and other expense. Our dues year begins August 1. Please check the Society web site for new and updated information on many topics.
You may contact the Society directly by email at
John Polk,
Paleoanthropology Society Secretary <>
Podium Abstracts
Flint scrapers in the Levantine Late Acheulian and their implications on Acheulian cultural conservatism
Vlad Litov
Human landscape use during the Middle Stone Age of northeast Africa: New research in Wadi El-Hudi southeast of Aswan, Egypt
Zeljko Rezek, Pedro Horta, Laurent Bruxelles, Benjamin Davies, Mohamed A. Hamdan
Same road different path – the Lower to Middle Paleolithic transition(s) in S-W Asia as seen from the new excavations at Dalarik-1, Armenia
Ariel Malinsky-Buller, Artur Petrosyan, David Nora, Ioannis Oikonomou, Kaja Fenn, Frahm Ellery, Delphine Vettese, Hripsime Gevorgyan, Sebastian Nomade, Boris Gasprayan, Theodoros Karampaglidis
The Dynamic Character of the Early Middle Paleolithic at Tabun Cave and its Implications for Hominin Dispersal and Interaction in the Southern Levant
Ron Shimelmitz, Steven Kuhn, David Friesem, Mina Weinstein-Evron
Ancient collection, fresh insights: Revisiting the lithic technologies at the Middle Paleolithic Nahr Ibrahim Cave, Lebanon
Marion Prévost
Lower Paleolithic tools of potency: Handaxes shaped around fossils and other extraordinary features at Sakhnin valley, Israel
Ran Barkai, Muataz Shalata
“So full of maggots”: Insights on Diet Reconstruction from Stable Nitrogen Isotopes of Maggots
Melanie Beasley, Julie Lesnik, John Speth
A high-resolution paleoenvironmental record based on phytoliths from the Armenian Highlands: The Upper Paleolithic of Aghitu-3 Cave, southern Armenia
Johan Jarl, Boris Gasparyan, Andrew Kandel, Alexia Smith, Angela Bruch
Isotopic evidence speaks to Neanderthal behavioral resilience in the southern Levant
Chen Zeigen, Erella Hovers, Alex Brittingham, Michael Richards, Michael Hren, Rivka Rabinovich, Gideon Hartman
The contribution of the ESR dating and its implication for the human evolution in Western Africa
Who made the late Stage 3 Levallois industry in Eastern Europe?
John Hoffecker, Vadim Stepanchuk, Ruslan Koropetskyi, John Southon
A Comparative Analysis of C. crocuta and H. hyaena Chewing from Two East African Assemblages
Kyle Pontieri
Multiproxy Analysis of Ethnographic Ostrich Eggshell (OES) Dancing Rattles: Identifying Criteria for Inferring Musical Accompaniment and Dance in Prehistory
Hannah Keller, Francesco d'Errico, Alain Queffelec
New Late Pleistocene records of hunter-gatherer behavior and environments in the Kasitu Valley of northern Malawi
Jessica Thompson, Justin Pargeter, Alex Bertacchi, Keller Hannah, Brieuc Kaesmann, Yue Li, Ruoyang Tu, Jackson Lillian, Shang Xiaozheng, Alyssa Enny, Jennifer Miller, Stanley Ambrose, Potiphar Kaliba
Reindeer taphonomy and the role of canids at the purported early dog domestication site of Předmostí, Czech Republic
Kari Prassack, Briana Pobiner, Jennifer Parkinson, Martina Roblíčková, Martina Lázničková, Mietje Germonpré
The Effects of Carnivore Diversity on Scavenging Opportunities and Hominin Range Expansion during Out of Africa I
Reed Coil
A Malthusian-like demographic cycle at Natufian el-Wad, Mount Carmel, Israel
Reuven Yeshurun, Ma'ayan Lev, Mina Weinstein-Evron
An Eastern Mirage? A quantitative evaluation of the technological affinities between early Ahmarian and Protoaurignacian
Armando Falcucci, Steven L. Kuhn
Ecology, Phylogeny, and Tool Use: Rethinking Manual Proportions in Human Evolution
Adela Cebeiro
One color to rule them all: Heated and natural red ochres 100,000 years ago at Tinshemet Cave, Israel
David Gaitero-Santos, Yossi Zaidner
Recent Discoveries at Lusakert-1, a Late Middle Palaeolithic Rockshelter in the Armenian Highlands
Daniel Adler, Ethel Allué, Simon Blockley, Alex Brittingham, Ellery Frahm, Boris Gasparyan, Jayson Gill, Phil Glauberman, Thomas Higham, Johan Jarl, Tanner Kovach, Carolina Mallol, Yannick Raczynski-Henk, Iván Rey Rodriguez, Jennifer Sherriff, Victoria Smith, Naihui Wang, Lior Weissbrod, Keith Wilkinson, Reuven Yeshurun
The Secret Lives of Paleolithic Teens: Assessing puberty status in a sample of European Upper Paleolithic adolescents
April Nowell, Mary Lewis, Jennifer French, Elena Rossoni-Notter, Olivier Notter, Abdelkader Moussous, Francesco Boschin, Stefano Ricci
Behavioural uniformity across Homo groups in the Levantine mid-Middle Palaeolithic
(ca 130-80 ka): New evidence from Tinshemet Cave, Israel
Yossi Zaidner, Marion Prévost, Ruth Shahack-Gross, Reuven Yeshurun, Lior Weissbrod, Naomi Porat, Norbert Mercier, Asmodée Galy, Hélène Valladas, Amos Frumkin, David Gaitero-Santos, Sapir Ben-Haim, Antonella Perdergnana, Dafna Langgut, Onn Crouvi, Christophe Pécheyran, Sarah Borgel, Rachel Sarig, Hila May, Israel Hershkovitz
Changes in hominin land-use through the Oldowan to Acheulean transition at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania
Alex Pelissero, Edward Herrmann, Jackson Njau, John Mturi, Tewabe Negash, Danielle Peltier, Michael Pante
Computer vision-aided identification of worked materials from lithic use wear polish on chert
Radu Iovita, Jing Zhang, Alan Hu, Andrea Wong, Chenmeinian Guo, Sara Borsodi, Felix Kisena, Danielle Macdonald, Chen Feng
Context is bone deep: A quantitative analysis of experimentally generated bone surface modifications with applications for developing an open source and collaborative taphonomic database
Trevor Keevil, April Tolley, Erin Gniewek, Tewabe Negash, Emily Orlikoff, Isabell Osborne, Alex Pelissero, Rachel Winter, Michael Pante
Distinguishing bone retoucher marks from other bone surface modifications
Tewabe Negash, Edward Herrmann, Connie Fellmann, Alex Pelissero, Michael Pante
Environmental change and forager land-use in the Later Stone Age of Taforalt and Rhafas Caves, Morocco, as inferred from carbon isotopes in ungulate tooth enamel
Kayla Worthey, Philippe Fernandez, Elaine Turner, Teresa Steele, Louise Humphrey, Nick Barton, Jean-Jacques Hublin, Abdeljalil Bouzouggar
Functional traits predict predator-prey relationships in African mammals
Alyssa McGrath, W. Andrew Barr, Andrew Du, Margaret Lewis, J. Tyler Faith
How well does herbivore relative abundance reflect vegetation types on the landscape? An approach using agent-based modeling
Kathryn Fish, Anna K. Behrensmeyer, David Braun, W. Andrew Barr
Local habitat heterogeneity characterized the southern African Middle to Later Stone Age transition: Introducing generalized additive mixed models to carbon isotope paleoecology
Alexandra Norwood, Joshua Robinson, Brian Stewart
Low-cost niche construction can create conditions for subdivided populations without socially imposed boundaries
Emily Coco, Benjamin Davies, Jessica C. Thompson
Paleoanthropological and paleoecological investigations in Albertine Rift, western Uganda
Scott Blumenthal, Jennifer Parkinson, Hilary Duke, Joel Saylor, Chris Ssebuyungo
Pleistocene Behavioral Landscapes of Northern Armenia Project
Jayson Gill, Jennifer Sherriff, Tanner Kovach, Haydosyan Hayk, Kathleen Rodrigues, Johan Jarl, Keith Wilkinson, Boris Gasparyan, Daniel Adler
Reconstructing hunter-gatherer post-marital residence patterns at Hora, Malawi with strontium isotope analysis of pre- and post-weaning molar tooth enamel
Stanley Ambrose, Jessica Thompson, Andrew Zipkin, Alex Bertacchi, Potiphar Kaliba
Refining Analogies in Paleolithic Research: A Critical Examination of Contemporary Comparisons
Michael Ben Dor, NONE NONE, None None
Revised Chronology of a Late Upper Palaeolithic Mammoth Bone Structure at Mezhyrich, Ukraine
Wei Chu, Pavlo Shydlovskyi, Andreas Maier
Silcrete use and heat treatment in the Middle Stone Age at Nelson Bay Cave, South Africa
Sara Watson
The Late Glacial record of Munyama Cave (Uganda)
Christian Tryon, Alice Leplongeon, Veerle Rots, Guilhem Mauran, Iris Querenet Onfroy de Breville, Els Cornelissen
The persistence of the Ebro Frontier model and the Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition in Iberia
Jonathan Haws
Virtual Edges: Finite Element Analysis (FEA) insights from the Late Lower Paleolithic (LLP) lithic assemblage from Dalarik 1 Cave.
David Nora, Marreiros João, Jordi Marcé Nogué, Thomas Püschel, Artur Petrosyan, Boris Gasparyan, Ariel Malinsky-Buller
Poster Abstracts
Site Formation Processes and Diagenetic Pathways through the Geoarchaeological Study of Bone Remains.
Ioannis Oikonomou,
Delphine Vettese,
Artur Petrosyan,
Theodoros Karampaglidis,
Ariel Malinsky-Buller
Renewed Archaeological Explorations in the Nyabusosi Formation of the Albertine Rift, western Uganda
Hilary Duke,
Jennifer Parkinson,
Scott Blumenthal,
Joel Saylor,
Chris Ssebuyungo
Functional morphology of ~2.0 million-year-old hominin hand and foot remains from Drimolen Main Quarry, South Africa
Caley M. Orr,
Stephanie E. Baker,
Tara E. Hobbs,
A.B. Leece,
Jesse M. Martin,
Biren A. Patel,
Thomas C. Prang,
Matthew W. Tocheri,
Gary T. Schwartz,
David S. Strait,
Andy I.R. Herries
Zooarchaeology and Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of Archaeological Levels at Arma Veirana Cave, Italy
Sarah Manassee,
Jamie Hodgkins,
Caley Orr
Are human tooth marks truly unique?: A 3-D comparison of human and carnivore tooth induced bone surface modifications
Erin Gniewek,
Michael Pante
Serially Sampled Carbon, Oxygen, and Strontium Enamel Isotopes of Late Pleistocene Mammuthus and Bison from Central Texas
Joshua J. Porter,
John Samuelsen,
Celina Suarez,
Adriana Potra,
Amelia Villaseñor
The Context of Butchery Across Cultures: Analysis of Overlaps Between Evidence and Preservation
Madeleine Witherel
An Assessment of Stature and Ecogeographic Profile of Human Remains from A Medieval Burial in the Central Highlands of Kenya.
Nasser R. Malit,
Francis M. Kirera,
Veronica Waweru,
Alexandra Sveshnikova,
Daniel P. Miggin,
Jillani Ngalla,
Christine Omuombo,
Rahab Kinyanjui,
Aryeh Grossman,
Francis N. Muchemi,
Lorna N. Chege,
John Mwangi,
Richard Kinyua
An origin of hominin stone knapping via the emulation of mother nature
Metin I. Eren,
Stephen J. Lycett,
Michelle R. Bebber,
Alastair Key,
Briggs Buchanan,
Joseph Benson,
Rebecca Biermann Gürbüz,
Adela Cebeiro,
Emma Finestone,
Roman Garba,
Anne Grunow,
C. Owen Lovejoy,
Danielle MacDonald,
Erica Maletic,
G. Logan Miller,
Joseph D. Ortiz,
Jonathan Paige,
Justin Pargeter,
Tomos Proffitt,
Mary Ann Raghanti,
Teal Riley,
Jeffrey I. Rose,
David M. Singer,
Robert S. Walker
What does ‘controlled’ bipolar lithic reduction look like? An exploratory experiment
Adela Cebeiro,
Isabelle Iturrate,
Asithandile Ntsondwa,
Metin Eren,
Michelle Bebber,
Briggs Buchanan,
Justin Pargeter
A Quantitative Analysis of Homotherium Serum Tooth Marks
Isabell Osborne,
Trevor Keevil,
Michael Pante
Abiotic effects on skeletal and dental maturation rates in human evolution
Miriam Belmaker,
April Nowell
Balancing the scale: examining the environmental implications of taxonomic abundance and herbivore enamel values across space and time
Krystal Koski,
Alexandra Norwood,
Madeleine Kelly,
Silindokuhle Mavuso,
Frances Forrest,
David R Braun,
J Tyler Faith
Bigger is Not Better: Unexpected Relationship Between Prey Body Size and Macronutrient Composition in East African Mammals
Isabel Heslin,
Jessica C. Thompson,
David Raubenheimer
Body mass estimates of Fort Ternan artiodactyls (Middle Miocene, Kenya) using long bones
Nick Diego Rosas,
Kaitlin Sennewald,
W. Andrew Barr
Bone Tool Technologies in the Kasitu Valley, Northern Malawi
Yue Li,
Francesco D'Errico,
Lila Geis,
Potiphar Menaheim Kaliba,
Jessica C. Thompson
Differential Effects of end-Pleistocene Climate Change and Early Humans on Megafaunal Spatial Distribution in the American Southwest
Casey Nielsen,
Allison Wolfe,
Jayson Gill
Experimental tests of different hafting configurations for backed segments as arrowheads
Gerrit Dusseldorp,
Mick van Harderwijk,
Morgan Roussel,
Alessandro Alea
Exploring the Landscape and Hominin Behavior at FxJj20 Using Phytolith and Microscopic Charcoal Analysis
Andrea L. Gonzalez Cabellos,
Madison Fortier,
Rahab Kinyanjui,
David R. Braun,
Victoria Rainis,
Emmanuel K. Ndiema,
Sarah K. Hlubik
Forager Mobility during the Middle Stone Age at Blombos Cave, South Africa
Jeremy A. Beller,
Karen L. van Kiekerk,
Mostafa Fayek,
Pieter-Jan Gräbe,
Simon J. Armitage,
Christopher S. Henshilwood
Indications of Bovid Mortality Profiles From FwJj80 in Area 8A Koobi Fora
Nicole Marin,
Eimy Fernanda Gonzalez Alvarez,
David R. Braun,
Emmanuel Ndiema,
Frances Forrest
Late Pleistocene Guangxi: A Paleoecological Analysis based on Primate genus-level data
Jessica Castaño,
Guangmao Xie,
Yanbo Song,
Miriam Belmaker
Middle-to-Upper Paleolithic cultural transition in southern Jordan: a view from the western Hisma area
Seiji Kadowaki,
Toru Tamura,
Risako Kida,
Kazuhiro Tsukada,
Eiki Suga,
Miriam Belmaker,
Masato Hirose,
Hitoshi Hasegawa,
Jianjie Yin,
Sate Massadeh
Paleoenvironmental reconstructions of Gona, Ethiopia, between 3-1 Mya: Evidence from faunal community analysis.
Amanda C. Leiss,
Michael J. Rogers,
Sileshi Semaw
Rabbit Exploitation in the Middle Paleolithic: Insights from experimental archaeology applied to the Level JJ faunal assemblage from Lapa do Picareiro, Portugal
Milena Carvalho,
Cristina Real,
Anna Rufà,
Jonathan Haws
Reconstructing herbivore diet and rainfall seasonality using dental microwear: Implications for Stone Age foragers on the southern Cape, South Africa
Kathryn Sokolowski,
Juniper Koehler,
Auriana Dunn,
Larisa DeSantis,
Justin Pargeter,
J. Tyler Faith
Sonstraal: An in situ, open-air Acheulean occupation in the southern Kalahari Desert, South Africa
Benjamin Schoville,
Alexander Blackwood,
Precious Chiwara-Maenzanise,
Mathieu Duval,
Irene Esteban,
Luke Gliganic,
Kelly Kirsten,
Robyn Pickering,
Jayne Wilkins
The Upper Paleolithic and Epipaleolithic Fauna from Sefunim Cave (Mt. Carmel, Israel): New Insights from the Ungulate Assemblage
Jamie L Clark,
Gideon Hartman,
Andrew W. Kandel,
Ron Shimelmitz
Variability selection in human evolution: versatilist allele success in discrete and temporally unpredictable environments.
David J. Daegling,
Henna D. Bhramdat
Variation in Manual Phalangeal Curvature across Sex and Digit in Western Gorillas (Gorilla gorilla) versus Eastern Gorillas (Gorilla beringei)
Tara E. Hobbs,
Biren A. Patel,
Caley M. Orr
Variation in white-tailed and mule deer dental metrics is associated with precipitation gradients in the Americas
Jenna Dagher,
Elliot Greiner
Zooarchaeological and Taphonomic Analysis of Aquatic Faunal Assemblages in the Koobi Fora Formation
Kai Jones,
Tristan Cope,
Maddy Hull,
Alyssa Enny,
David R. Braun