
Kebara V - A Contribution for the Study of the Middle-Upper Paleolithic Transition in the Levant
Pages 1 - 28
Itay Abadi, Ofer Bar-Yosef, and Anna Belfer-Cohen
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Comments on the Zambian Kabwe Cranium (BH1) in the Context of Pleistocene Specimens of Homo and the Need for Species Definitions
Pages 29 - 33
Francis Thackeray, Lou Albessard-Ball, and Antoine Balzeau
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Jordan River Dureijat: 10,000 Years of Intermittent Epipaleolithic Activity on the Shore of Paleolake Hula
Pages 34 - 64
Gonen Sharon, Leore Grosman, Ethel Allué, Alon Barash, Daniella E. Bar-Yosef Mayer, Rebecca Biton, Elizabeth J. Bunin, Dafna Langgut, Yoel Melamed, Steffen Mischke, Francesco Valleta, and Natalie D. Munro
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Ofer Bar-Yosef, Renowned Archaeologist, 29 August 1937 - 14 March 2020
Pages 69 - 73
John D. Speth
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Paleoindian Bison Hunting on the North American Great Plains--Two Critical Nutritional Constraints
Pages 74 - 97
John D. Speth
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A Partial Neandertal Foot From the Late Middle Paleolithic of Amud Cave, Israel
Pages 98 - 125
Osbjorn M. Pearson, Adrián Pablos, Yoel Rak, and Erella Hovers
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Maier, A. -- The Central European Magdalenian: Regional Diversity and Internal Variability
Pages 65 - 66
Metin I. Eren
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Goren-Inbar, N., N. Alperson-Afil, G. Sharon, and G. Herzlinger -- The Acheulian Site of Gesher Benot Ya'aqov Volume IV: The Lithic Assemblages
Pages 67 - 68
Metin I. Eren
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Sykes, Rebecca Wragg -- Kindred. Neanderthal Life, Love, and Art
Pages 126 - 127
David W. Frayer
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